Allot Art Frame Stabilizer
While the newly redesigned '09-later H-D Touring frames are noticeably stiffer and stable than the previous iterations the inherent movement of the rubber-mounted motor may adversely affect the motorcycle's handling. At the rear of the motorcycle the engine/transmission assembly is mounted through the swingarm and isolated with rubber to reduce vibration. The system works remarkably well but instability can arise under poor road conditions, an overloaded bike, excessive speed, or a combination of these factors. Some call it wobble or even the bagger-boogie-we call it scary.
There are a number of stabilizer systems that were employed on older Twin Cam bikes that triangulated the transmission, oil pan, and the frame to try and tame any erratic handling. When H-D redesigned the frame with the exhaust crossover going under the bike, the older-style stabilizers wouldn't fit.
We heard about a new relatively inexpensive stabilizer from Alloy Art that mounts above rather than below the transmission on late model Touring bikes. The stabilizer adds another anchor point to limit the movement of the motor/trans in relation to the swingarm. After the 30-minute install was completed we took the '09 Electra Glide out for a spin and noticed that the bike handled the big, expansion joint bumps better than before. We didn't notice any ill effects from the stabilizer or an increase in vibration. It's pretty cheap insurance to keep your heavyweight bike behaved.
Parts List
Black Anodized
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